What is the Difference Between Advertising and Marketing?How to Implement Planning?

By: Unaya 2024-06-12 18:02:52

What is Marketing?

Marketing is a series of activities and strategies aimed at identifying, attracting, and retaining customers, and meeting their needs and desires to achieve business goals. Marketing involves not only the promotion and sale of products or services but also includes market research, product development, pricing strategies, distribution channels, brand management, and customer relationship management. Its core objective is to build customer satisfaction and loyalty by creating value and effectively communicating that value, thereby achieving long-term growth and profitability for the business.


The 7P principles of marketing are an extension of the traditional 4P marketing mix (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) and add three additional Ps to comprehensively cover various aspects of service marketing. The 7P framework provides a holistic structure that helps businesses consider all key elements when developing marketing strategies to better meet customer needs and enhance market competitiveness.

The 7P Principles

Definition Key Points
Product Products are anything offered to the market to meet customer needs, including tangible goods and intangible services. 1. Product design and features
2. Branding and packaging
3. Product lifecycle management
4. Product differentiation and unique selling points (USPs)
Price Price involves the pricing strategy for products or services, including pricing methods and structures. 1. Pricing strategies (e.g., skimming pricing, penetration pricing, competitive pricing)
2. Discount and promotional pricing
3. Price elasticity and sensitivity analysis
4. Cost-based pricing vs. value-based pricing
Place Place refers to the distribution channels and methods for delivering products or services to target customers. 1. Distribution channel selection (direct sales, distributors, retailers, e-commerce)
2. Logistics and supply chain management
3. Coverage and distribution density
4. Geographic location and market penetration
Promotion Promotion encompasses various methods to promote products or services, aiming to increase awareness, stimulate demand, and influence consumer purchasing decisions. 1. Advertising (TV, radio, online ads, etc.)
2. Public relations and publicity
3. Sales promotions (discounts, coupons, giveaways)
4. Personal selling and direct marketing
People People emphasize all individuals involved in the marketing process, including internal employees and external customers. 1. Employee training and development
2. Customer service and support
3. Team collaboration and employee morale
4. Service standards and customer satisfaction
Process Processes refer to the systems and procedures used to deliver products or services, ensuring efficient, consistent, and high-quality customer experiences. 1. Service delivery process design
2. Process optimization and efficiency improvement
3. Quality control and management
4. Customer feedback and improvement mechanisms
Physical Evidence Physical evidence includes all tangible aspects that customers encounter during the purchase of a product or service. 1. Facilities and environment (e.g., store layout, office spaces)
2. Packaging and branding
3. Promotional materials and website design
4. Customer testimonials and reviews
The 7P Principles

Common Types of Marketing

There are numerous types of marketing, each with its unique strategies and goals. Here are some major types:

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM):Includes search engine optimization (SEO) and paid search advertising, like Google AdWords, to increase website visibility and traffic.
  • Content Marketing:Involves creating and sharing valuable content to attract and retain a target audience, usually without directly promoting a product.
  • Social Media Marketing:Utilizes social media platforms (such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn) to promote products or services, engage with the target audience, and increase brand awareness.
  • Influencer Marketing:Collaborates with influential individuals (like bloggers, and social media stars) to promote products or services through their influence.
  • Email Marketing:Communicates with current and potential customers via email, sending newsletters, promotional campaigns, product updates, etc.
  • Event Marketing:Organizes and participates in various events (such as trade shows, seminars, and product launches) to promote products or services and engage with customers face-to-face.
  • Direct Marketing:Engages in one-to-one communication with target customers, including mail, telemarketing, and SMS marketing, aiming to elicit immediate responses or transactions.
  • Promotional Marketing:Attracts customers and drives sales through discounts, coupons, giveaways, contests, etc.
  • Segment MarketingDivides the market based on different characteristics (such as geography, demographics, psychographics, and behavior) and develops differentiated marketing strategies for each segment.

These types of marketing can be used individually or in combination to maximize their effectiveness, meeting various business goals and market needs.

What is Advertising?

Advertising is a paid, planned, and organized promotional activity aimed at conveying information to a specific audience through various media to promote the awareness and purchase of products, services, brands, or ideas. The core goals of advertising are to attract attention, convey information, generate interest, and drive action, thus influencing consumers' purchasing decisions.


Advertising occurs across multiple media, but all advertising shares a common trait: brands or marketers pay to send specific messages on specific platforms. Generally, the more popular the platform—and the more desirable its audience—the higher the advertising cost. For example, buying a quarter-page ad in a regional industry publication will cost far less than a full-page ad in a national magazine; similarly, a two-minute ad during a prime-time TV show will cost significantly more than a 30-second spot on a local news channel.

Key Characteristics of Advertising

  • Purposeful: Advertising has clear promotional objectives, such as increasing brand awareness, driving sales, or changing public perception.
  • Paid: Advertising is typically a paid promotional activity, with advertisers paying fees to display content across various media.
  • Broad Reach: Advertising uses mass media or other channels to widely disseminate information, aiming to reach the target audience.
  • Creative Expression: Advertising uses visual, auditory, and other forms of creative expression to capture the audience's attention and interest.

Common Types of Advertising

Different types of advertising have specific strategies and creative approaches. Businesses choose the appropriate type based on their marketing goals, budget, and target audience.

Here are some common types of advertising.

Advertising Vs. Marketing

Although marketing and advertising are often interconnected in practice, they differ significantly in scope, function, and implementation methods. Both marketing and advertising share a common goal: bringing your business and its message to your ideal customers. However, when discussing the main differences between marketing and advertising, it's important to note that advertising (including banner ads, social media ads, or billboards) is merely a single strategy within the broader scope of marketing. In other words, advertising is a form of marketing. Therefore, if you only rely on advertising to promote your business, you will miss out on many opportunities to enhance your brand, build customer relationships, and drive business sales.

Advertising Vs. Marketing

The main differences are summarized as follows:

1. Scope and Definition


  • Definition: Marketing is a broad concept encompassing the entire process from market research, product development, pricing, and distribution, to promotion. Its goal is to identify, satisfy, and retain customer needs to achieve business objectives.
  • Scope: Marketing includes market research, product development, pricing strategies, distribution channel management, promotional activities, public relations, and customer relationship management, making its scope broader.


  • Definition: Advertising is a part of marketing and a communication method that conveys information about products or services to potential consumers through paid means to increase brand awareness, promote sales, or influence public opinion.
  • Scope: Advertising focuses on information dissemination and promotional activities, including TV ads, online ads, outdoor ads, newspaper and magazine ads, etc.

2. Primary Functions


  • Market Research: Analyzes market demand and competition to develop marketing strategies.
  • Product Development: Develops new products or improves existing ones based on market demand.
  • Pricing Strategy: Sets reasonable prices to attract customers and maximize profits.
  • Distribution Management: Selects and manages distribution channels to ensure products reach consumers.
  • Promotional Strategy: Develops and implements comprehensive promotional plans, including advertising, sales promotions, public relations, and direct marketing.
  • Customer Relationship Management: Builds and maintains long-term relationships with customers to enhance satisfaction and loyalty.


  • Information Dissemination: Conveys information about products or services through various media.
  • Brand Enhancement: Increases brand awareness and recognition.
  • Attracting Attention: Captures the target audience's attention through creative and appealing content.
  • Stimulating Demand: Generates consumer desire and guides purchasing behavior.
  • Short-term Promotion: Promotes specific promotional activities to drive short-term sales.

3. Implementation Methods


  • Comprehensive Strategy: Marketing involves multiple aspects, requiring an integrated approach considering market research, product development, pricing, distribution, and promotion to develop an overall marketing strategy.
  • Long-term Planning: Marketing focuses on long-term market development and customer relationships, emphasizing brand building and customer loyalty.
  • Multi-department Collaboration: Marketing requires collaboration among various departments, such as marketing, sales, and R&D, to achieve business goals.


  • Specific Activities: Advertising is a specific activity within the marketing strategy, mainly focusing on information dissemination and promotion.
  • Short-term Effects: Advertising often emphasizes short-term effects by attracting attention and promoting purchases through concentrated dissemination.
  • Creativity and Media: Advertising values creativity and media selection, using various forms to engage the audience and convey brand messages.

4. Cost and ROI


The costs of marketing activities may include product development, market research, customer service, and other areas. The return on investment (ROI) can be reflected in market share, brand loyalty, and long-term profitability.


The costs are primarily concentrated on media buying and creative production, with ROI typically measured by short-term metrics such as sales growth and increased brand awareness.

5. Interactivity


Often emphasizes interaction and feedback from consumers to continually optimize products and services.


Primarily involves one-way information dissemination, although modern advertising increasingly emphasizes interactivity and engagement.

Overall, marketing encompasses any practices or actions taken to promote a brand. As mentioned earlier, this can include advertising, but it also involves other promotional activities to publicize products, services, or the overall business. Sometimes, you must pay for marketing activities, but this is not always the case. Unlike advertising, you can utilize many free marketing strategies to promote your company and achieve significant results in the process.

In short, if you spend money on a specific platform or medium to place an ad targeting your audience, it is considered advertising (e.g., social media or TV). This is just one component of your marketing strategy. However, a marketing strategy can and should be broader than just advertising; anything you do to promote your brand, such as writing a blog post or handing out flyers at a local event, falls under the realm of marketing.

Marketing vs. Advertising Value

The value of marketing and advertising depends on a business’s objectives, market environment, resource allocation, and consumer behavior. Both can play crucial roles in different contexts, and they are often complementary. Effective marketing strategies need advertising support to disseminate information and promote products, while successful advertising campaigns depend on marketing strategies for guidance.

In different market environments and business stages, the relative value of marketing and advertising may vary. For instance, during the startup phase, advertising may be crucial to quickly establish brand awareness; whereas in the mature phase, marketing strategies may focus more on customer relationship management and brand maintenance.

Overall, marketing provides comprehensive and long-term value by offering strategic direction and a holistic perspective. However, advertising, as a critical component of marketing, delivers irreplaceable short-term promotional effects and brand exposure. Businesses should leverage both marketing and advertising to maximize their overall value according to their business goals and market environment.

How to Plan Advertising and Marketing Activities

Planning advertising and marketing activities is a systematic process that requires considering a company's goals, market environment, competitive landscape, and resource allocation. Below is a general guide to help businesses effectively plan their advertising and marketing activities:

How to Plan Advertising and Marketing Activities?

1. Market Research and Analysis


  • Identify Target Market: Define the target market and audience, analyzing their needs, preferences, and behavior patterns.
  • Competitor Analysis: Study competitors’ marketing strategies, advertising activities, and market performance to identify opportunities and threats.
  • Environmental Analysis: Understand how changes in the macro environment (economic, social, technological, legal) impact the market.


  • SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
  • PEST Analysis (Political, Economic, Social, Technological)
  • Market Segmentation and Consumer Profiling

2. Develop Marketing Strategy


  • Set Objectives: Define marketing objectives (e.g., increase brand awareness, gain market share, improve customer satisfaction) and set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals.
  • Positioning Strategy: Determine brand positioning and unique selling proposition (USP) to stand out in the target market.
  • Marketing Mix (4P/7P):
    • Product: Define product features, functions, and packaging.
    • Price: Develop a reasonable pricing strategy.
    • Place: Choose appropriate distribution channels.
    • Promotion: Plan advertising and promotional activities.
    • (If applicable, include People, Process, Physical Evidence)

3. Advertising Planning


  • Set Advertising Objectives: Define specific goals for the advertising campaign (e.g., increase brand awareness, drive sales, launch new products).
  • Budget Allocation: Develop the advertising budget based on the overall marketing budget and objectives.
  • Media Selection: Choose appropriate advertising media (e.g., TV, online, social media, outdoor ads) to ensure coverage of the target audience.
  • Creative Development: Design advertising creatives and messages that capture the audience’s attention and convey core information.
  • Scheduling: Develop a timeline for ad releases, considering market activity rhythms and audience behavior patterns.


  • Media Plan
  • Advertising Creative Copy and Design Samples

4. Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)


  • Coordinate Activities: Ensure that advertising activities are aligned with other marketing efforts (e.g., PR, sales promotion, direct marketing) to convey a consistent message.
  • Cross-Channel Integration: Use multiple channels (online, offline) for integrated communication to enhance message coverage and impact.


  • IMC Plan
  • Cross-Channel Integration Strategy

5. Execution and Management


  • Task Assignment: Define execution tasks and responsible persons for each advertising and marketing activity.
  • Execution Monitoring: Track the progress of advertising activities to ensure they are carried out as planned.
  • Resource Coordination: Allocate and manage resources effectively to ensure smooth implementation of activities.


  • Project Management Software
  • Execution Timeline

6. Evaluation and Optimization


  • Performance Evaluation: Assess the effectiveness of advertising and marketing activities based on predefined KPIs (e.g., brand awareness, sales growth, customer feedback).
  • Data Analysis: Collect and analyze relevant data to evaluate the return on investment (ROI) of activities.
  • Continuous Optimization: Adjust and optimize advertising and marketing strategies based on evaluation results to improve effectiveness.


  • Data Analysis Tools (e.g., Google Analytics, Social Media Analytics Tools)
  • Feedback Surveys and Research Reports

7. Long-term Planning


  • Brand Maintenance: Continuously manage and maintain the brand to sustain its image and market influence.
  • Customer Relationship Management: Establish and maintain long-term relationships with customers to enhance loyalty and satisfaction.
  • Innovation and Adjustment: Continuously innovate and adjust marketing strategies to adapt to market changes and customer needs.


  • CRM System (Customer Relationship Management)
  • Long-term Brand Strategy Plan

Points to Note During Planning

  • Integrated Marketing Communication: Ensure that all marketing and advertising activities convey a consistent brand message.
  • Legal and Ethical Compliance: Adhere to relevant laws and regulations, ensuring that advertising content is truthful, legal, and not misleading.
  • Technology and Innovation: Utilize the latest technology and innovative methods to enhance the attractiveness and interactivity of advertisements.
  • Risk Management: Assess potential risks and develop response strategies to minimize uncertainties and potential losses.

By conducting systematic market research and analysis, developing comprehensive marketing strategies, detailed advertising planning and execution, effective integrated marketing communication, strict execution and management, continuous evaluation and optimization, and long-term planning, businesses can effectively plan and implement advertising and marketing activities to achieve their desired business objectives and market results.

Specific Example: Implementing Advertising and Marketing Activities

Case Background

  • Company: XYZ Smart Home
  • Objective: Increase market share of the new product “Smart Lock” by 10% within six months.

1. Market Research and Analysis

  • Target Market: Urban young families.
  • Competitor Analysis: Analyze key competitors’ product features, pricing strategies, and marketing activities.
  • Environmental Analysis: Study growth trends and consumer purchasing behavior in the smart home market.

2. Develop Marketing Strategy

  • Objective: Increase the market share of the “Smart Lock” by 10% within six months.
  • Positioning Strategy: Emphasize the product’s safety and convenience, positioning it as the best choice for home security.
  • Marketing Mix:
    • Product: Highlight high security, ease of use, and smart connectivity.
    • Price: Adopt a competitive pricing strategy with limited-time discounts.
    • Place: Sell through online e-commerce platforms and offline smart home experience stores.
    • Promotion: Launch limited-time discount campaigns and offer free installation services with purchase.

3. Advertising Planning

  • Advertising Objective: Increase brand awareness in three months and boost sales within six months.
  • Budget: Allocate 30% of the marketing budget to digital advertising, 40% to TV ads, 20% to outdoor ads, and 10% to social media promotion.
  • Media Selection: Focus on TV, social media, search engines, and smart home-related websites.
  • Creative Development: Create a series of ads showcasing the product’s safety features and user experience stories.
  • Scheduling: Phase the ad campaign, focusing on brand awareness in the first two months and sales promotion in the following three months.

4. Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)

  • Coordinate Activities: Synchronize ad campaigns with PR events and product trial activities.
  • Cross-Channel Integration: Promote online and offline simultaneously, enhancing user engagement through social media interactions and online live streaming.

5. Execution and Management

  • Task Assignment: The marketing department handles ad planning and execution, the sales department manages channels and promotions, and the PR department oversees media relations and brand events.
  • Execution Monitoring: Weekly meetings to check ad progress and effectiveness, adjusting strategies as needed.
  • Resource Coordination: Ensure timely delivery of ad production, media purchases, and promotional materials.

6. Evaluation and Optimization

  • Performance Evaluation: Monthly analysis of ad effectiveness and sales data, using KPIs to assess brand awareness and sales growth.
  • Data Analysis: Track user behavior and feedback using Google Analytics and social media analysis tools.
  • Continuous Optimization: Adjust ad content and placement strategies based on data feedback, optimizing promotional activities.

7. Long-term Planning

  • Brand Maintenance: Regularly launch new features and updates to enhance product competitiveness.
  • Customer Relationship Management: Track customer feedback and needs through CRM systems, providing excellent after-sales service.
  • Innovation and Adjustment: Conduct continuous market research to keep products and marketing strategies innovative and adaptable to market changes.


Marketing Researcher


Marketing Researcher
BigSpy Marketing Researcher. Enjoy studying and sharing successful advertising and marketing experiences.
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