Affbank vs BigSpy

Affbank is your personal assistant in the world of affiliate marketing. It provides you with a huge offers base, networks directory, free spy tool, discounts, and a lot more!

Free ads spy tool for your business. Convenient tool to design creatives. You can find promo, sort promo and download promo for free at the ads spy tool page.

BigSpy is a free facebook ad spy tool. It is a powerful product that helps users to understand the marketing and advertising patterns of competitors from multiple angles, dimensions, and levels. It also helps us to produce better advertising ideas.
So what’s the difference between Affbank and bigspy?

BigSpy Affbank
Social media platform Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest
Browser Google, yahoo
Advertising on other platforms Outgoing Ads
Search ad type Title, text, advertising elements name
Filter ads by time Creation time and last time
Filter ads by ad type CTA type, creative type, country, marketing objective, e-marketing software, time impressions, country, network
Ads sort first seen, last seen, like, comment, share
Ads tracking
Ad search by the same advertiser
Exclude ads
Advertising time statistics
Ads download
Advertising Intelligence Analysis
Competitor analysis