The Impact of AI on Sales and Marketing


Since the public release of ChatGPT, AI has swept the world, affecting various industries and leading to a surge in productivity. As a field that heavily relies on information transmission, written marketing materials, and graphic elements, sales and marketing have been greatly impacted by the rise of artificial intelligence.
Generative artificial intelligence can simplify tasks, automate production, and increase the speed of marketing or sales teams creating new content. The market size of artificial intelligence exceeds 100 billion US dollars and is expected to grow to nearly 2 trillion US dollars by 2030, potentially fundamentally improving productivity in multiple fields.
In this article, we will delve into marketing and sales, outlining the most important improvements of artificial intelligence and documenting its impact on productivity. We will discuss how artificial intelligence can be integrated into the sales process, how to simplify the marketing process, and outline the substantial improvements that artificial intelligence can bring.

How does artificial intelligence affect sales processes?

The sales process is closely related to emerging technologies. In the past few decades, we have seen that the core methods of team sales of products and services have adapted to the technology they currently have. With the continuous improvement of the use and practicality of artificial intelligence, sales workflow will also increasingly rely on artificial intelligence technology.
Artificial intelligence can influence sales processes and improve productivity in various ways:
Increase sales probability
Mature clues
Simplify quotation generation
Increase sales probability
McKinsey pointed out in its report on the impact of generative artificial intelligence on the international market that one of the core areas for improving productivity potential is the sales process. Generative artificial intelligence can improve the level of personalization that brands provide to customers, help simplify sales processes, and establish more positive connections with the company from the first touchpoint.
Similarly, generative artificial intelligence can utilize customer profiles, structured and unstructured data to more accurately depict the optimal response of certain customers. As a result, it can provide insights for the sales team, helping them understand how to best handle certain situations throughout the entire customer journey, thereby improving positive outcomes.
By using artificial intelligence tools and features throughout the entire sales process, enterprises can increase sales probability and enhance the personal productivity of employees in that department.
Mature clues
One of the most important aspects of ensuring potential customers and further entering the customer journey is initial response time. If the sales representative cannot quickly respond to the initial lead, the probability of the lead jumping out will greatly increase. With generative chatbots, artificial intelligence has covered the first point of contact with customers - creating an instant response system.
From the first minute of contact, establish a connection between new customers and the company, so that customers have a greater chance to mature and successfully complete their customer journey. Automating this part of the sales process also helps to gather information for the sales team, making them more prepared for initial discussions.

Artificial intelligence can influence sales processes and improve productivity in various ways:
Increase sales probability
Mature clues
Simplify quotation generation

Increase sales probability

McKinsey pointed out in its report on the impact of generative artificial intelligence on the international market that one of the core areas for improving productivity potential is the sales process. Generative artificial intelligence can improve the level of personalization that brands provide to customers, help simplify sales processes, and establish more positive connections with the company from the first touchpoint.
Similarly, generative artificial intelligence can utilize customer profiles, structured and unstructured data to more accurately depict the optimal response of certain customers. As a result, it can provide insights for the sales team, helping them understand how to best handle certain situations throughout the entire customer journey, thereby improving positive outcomes.
By using artificial intelligence tools and features throughout the entire sales process, enterprises can increase sales probability and enhance the personal productivity of employees in that department.
Mature clues
One of the most important aspects of ensuring potential customers and further entering the customer journey is initial response time. If the sales representative cannot quickly respond to the initial lead, the probability of the lead jumping out will greatly increase. With generative chatbots, artificial intelligence has covered the first point of contact with customers - creating an instant response system.
From the first minute of contact, establish a connection between new customers and the company, so that customers have a greater chance to mature and successfully complete their customer journey. Automating this part of the sales process also helps to gather information for the sales team, making them more prepared for initial discussions.

Simplify quotation generation

Sales quotation generation is a well-known and complex field, and before determining the first quotation, it is necessary to consider thousands of possible product and service combinations, discount systems, and other variable factors. When automating this process, sales representatives may not be able to accurately create quotes, leading to subsequent issues.
Artificial intelligence tools can completely simplify this process, automatically generate sales quotations, and reduce the probability of human error to zero. This not only speeds up the quotation generation process, but also improves accuracy, helping to align customer and company expectations.
Due to the fact that the process of generating sales quotations is usually a time-consuming part of the daily work of sales representatives, it also helps them free up time to handle other more important tasks.

How can artificial intelligence improve marketing efficiency?

Most of the work in marketing involves creating and publishing content. The team will create copy for new advertisements or blog articles and distribute them to all connected marketing media. Artificial intelligence performs well in creating baseline content generation, allowing users to reduce the time required to create content.
For example, marketers can use artificial intelligence to
One click generation of email chain sent to customers
Create an outline for e-books representing their products
Quickly create alternative advertisements for A/B testing
The widespread application of generative artificial intelligence is directly related to the inherent flexibility of the marketing industry. The marketing industry has a wide range of disciplines and different work priorities, and artificial intelligence generation technology can seamlessly provide generation capabilities for any task at hand. By accelerating the process of creating new content, marketing teams can optimize production processes and improve overall productivity.

Simplify workflow

Another effective way to improve marketing efficiency using artificial intelligence is to simplify and optimize existing workflows. Many processes in marketing are resource intensive, requiring people to spend hours creating content or improving existing content for new purposes.
In addition to the generative power of artificial intelligence, marketing teams can also apply AI tools to a range of different current practices. Marketing is a broad field, and each specific part, such as PPC marketing and email marketing, has its own artificial intelligence applications. For example, by using an artificial intelligence email signature generator, marketing teams can simplify the generation of new email signatures by directly matching them with email recipients.
With this strategy, marketing teams can obtain more information from every email they send, automatically changing the attached email signature to provide the best resources. Over time, this will greatly improve the efficiency of multiple internal departments in marketing, increase productivity, and increase return on investment.

Final idea

Artificial intelligence is a radical emerging technology that can have a significant impact and innovation on the workflow of many industries. Especially for tasks that rely on generative tasks and can be automated, artificial intelligence is the best way to improve productivity in these fields.
From simplifying workflows to increasing success rates, artificial intelligence has been fully integrated into the fields of marketing and sales. With the continuous improvement of this technology, we are likely to see it become a core part of every marketing and sales team worldwide.