TikTok for Business, BigSpy, Ad Spy: Maximizing Marketing Strategies


In 2018, Bytedance, a Chinese technology company, acquired Musical.ly and merged it with TikTok. Initially, TikTok functioned as a platform where users shared brief videos of themselves lip-synching and dancing to popular music. Over time, the app evolved to host a much broader range of content, serving as a creative space for both individuals and brands.


Since the merger, TikTok has experienced explosive user growth, increasing its active user base by nearly 800%. Currently, TikTok boasts over one billion monthly users, making it an enticing platform for brands looking to engage with a vast and active audience through TikTok ads.

TikTok for Business

TikTok for Business is designed as an all-encompassing tool to assist marketers with advertising on TikTok. It streamlines the process of creating ads, setting budgets, targeting audiences, and analyzing campaign performance. This one-stop platform also provides e-learning resources to help businesses develop creative and effective advertisements.

Types of TikTok Ads

TikTok offers various ad formats to suit different marketing strategies, all of which are centered around video content:

  1. TopView Ads: These appear once daily when a user first opens the app, lasting up to 60 seconds.
  2. In-Feed Ads: Displayed as the fourth video in a user's “For You” feed, featuring a call-to-action (CTA).
  3. Branded Hashtags: Encourage user-generated content around exclusive brand-related hashtags.
  4. Brand Takeovers: A comprehensive ad format combining TopView, In-Feed, and Branded Hashtags, featuring one brand per day on the platform.
  5. Branded Effects: Utilize 2D, 3D, or AR to create interactive elements within TikTok videos.

TopView Ads

TopView ads offer a prime advertising spot by appearing immediately when users open the app for the first time each day. These ads can run up to 60 seconds, allowing businesses to capture longer periods of user attention, ideal for detailed content such as movie trailers. According to user feedback, 71% of users find TopView ads engaging.

In-Feed Ads

In-Feed ads are integrated into the user’s "For You" feed, appearing as the fourth video. These ads blend seamlessly into the content, making them less intrusive and more engaging. Studies indicate that TikTok In-Feed ads have a 23% higher detail memory compared to traditional TV ads. Businesses can incorporate a CTA within these ads to drive conversions directly from the platform.

Branded Hashtags

This format motivates users to create content around a specific hashtag linked to a brand. These exclusive hashtags can result in higher engagement rates, averaging around 17.5%. The exclusivity comes at a premium, with costs reported to be approximately $150,000 USD for a six-day campaign. Nevertheless, they offer substantial user interaction and community involvement, making the investment worthwhile for brands.

Brand Takeovers

Brand Takeovers allow a brand to dominate the app for a day, combining various ad formats such as TopView and In-Feed ads. With a starting cost of around $50,000 USD per day, this format provides significant visibility. An example includes Guess, which used a Brand Takeover campaign to promote their jeans and saw a 14.3% engagement rate over six days.

Branded Effects

Branded Effects enable companies to introduce interactive elements such as 2D, 3D, or AR features into TikTok videos. These effects often lead to increased engagement, as users enjoy incorporating these interactive features into their content. An example includes the "Not Okay Movie," which used Branded Effects to engage users in a character-related game, generating extensive user-generated content.

How TikTok Ads Work

Setting up ads on TikTok is a straightforward process. A business must first create a TikTok for Business account and complete the setup by describing the business and entering billing information. Payment type needs to be selected, and the ads manager mode chosen, which can be either simplified or custom. Simplified mode relies more on TikTok’s algorithm, whereas custom mode offers advanced customization options, such as A/B testing and detailed audience targeting.

Steps to Set Up a TikTok Ad Account

1.Create a business account: Establish your business profile.

Create a business account

2. Describe your business: Provide details about the nature of your business.

Describe your business

3.Enter billing information: Set up payment methods to manage marketing budgets.

Enter billing information

4.Select your ad manager mode: Choose between simplified and custom modes for ad management.

Select your ad manager mode

5.Build your ad: Develop your ad content and structure.

Build your ad

6.Review and submit: Ensure your ad meets platform requirements before submission.

Review and submit

TikTok Ad Review Process

Submitting an ad on TikTok typically involves a review process that takes around 24 hours. To ensure smooth approval, ads should comply with TikTok’s policies and ad requirements. For a seamless review, it's essential to ensure the following:

Ad Review Checklist

  • Functionality: The landing page must be fully functional and mobile-optimized.
  • Content: The ad should adhere to TikTok’s content guidelines.
  • Formatting: Proper video dimensions and formats must be used.
  • Targeting: Specify the appropriate audience for better reach and performance.

By following these guidelines, brands can effectively utilize TikTok’s dynamic platform for their advertising needs, arriving at impactful and engaging campaigns.