AI Magic: 6 Tools to Create Eye-catching Presentations Without Designers

Speeches and presentation slides (PPT) are integral parts of today's workplace and learning environments. Whether it's for work reports, presenting research findings, or delivering training materials, a carefully crafted PPT presentation can engage your audience and drive your message home. With the continuous advancement of artificial intelligence technology, there are numerous free AI-powered PPT generators to choose from, making it easy for you to create efficient and visually appealing presentations.

This article highlights six free automatic PPT software and AIPPT services. They not only offer a wide range of PPT templates but also enable you to effortlessly achieve one-click generation with AI, ensuring that every speech leaves a lasting impression.

1. AiPPT

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What is "AiPPT"?

AiPPT is an AI-powered tool for generating PowerPoint presentations with just one click. Leveraging advanced AI technology, it automatically creates and optimizes PowerPoint templates. It can generate suitable, high-quality, and unique PowerPoint templates for users, making their presentations more professional and engaging.

What are the features of "AiPPT"?

  • Automatic generation of PowerPoint outlines: AiPPT can automatically generate PowerPoint outlines based on the user's input content theme, helping users quickly build the framework of their presentations.
  • Instant transformation from documents to PowerPoint: AiPPT supports one-click conversion of documents such as Word into PowerPoint, making PowerPoint creation extremely fast.
  • Providing a vast collection of premium templates: AiPPT offers a rich selection of premium templates. Users can easily switch templates with just one click, effortlessly achieving a "wardrobe change" for their PowerPoint presentations. Applications: AiPPT is suitable for various scenarios, including but not limited to:
  • Startup project presentations: Entrepreneurs can use AiPPT to create impressive presentations for investors, increasing the success rate of their projects.
  • Educational courseware creation: Teachers can use AiPPT to generate content-rich and visually appealing PowerPoint courseware based on the teaching syllabus, enhancing the teaching effectiveness.
  • Sales presentations: Sales representatives can utilize AiPPT to create content-focused and visually appealing PowerPoint presentations for better communication with clients.

2. Gamma App

What is "Gamma App"?

Gamma is an AI-driven creative expression tool that allows users to write like handling documents and present like using slideshows, without the need for tedious formatting and design work, creating beautiful and captivating presentations effortlessly.

What are the features of "Gamma App"?

  • Instant generation of documents, presentations, and web pages within seconds, without starting from scratch.
  • One-click beautification and readiness, redesigning presentation styles, using flexible templates to speed up work.
  • Concise context, real-time display or sending of web pages, inserting more details using nested card functionality.
  • Clear, intuitive, and interactive, capable of embedding GIFs, videos, charts, websites to attract user attention and maintain engagement.
  • Attracting users on any device, measuring engagement, obtaining more feedback, and making collaboration simple and direct. Applications: Gamma is suitable for quickly generating beautiful presentations, documents, and web pages, helping users showcase ideas, product introductions, strategic plans, etc. It is also suitable for collaboration with teams, online sharing, and rapid feedback, making content more attractive and interactive. How to use "Gamma App"? Users can register for Gamma for free and use its AI-driven features to quickly generate documents, presentations, and web pages. Customize content styles through one-click beautification and nested card features, express viewpoints by displaying or sending web pages in real-time, embed various elements to attract user attention, and share and receive feedback on any device.

3. Tome

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What is "Tome"?

Tome is an AI tool that helps users quickly create beautiful and professional presentations and other multimedia displays. It is more attractive than traditional slideshows and easier to build than web pages. Users can create a compelling presentation starting point in just a few minutes by simply entering any prompts. Tome also helps users improve writing tone and wording, create perfect images, and vividly present stories through web search references.

What are the features of "Tome"?

  • Quick generation of presentations, one-pagers, micro-websites, and other forms of displays by simply entering prompts.
  • Providing multiple options and outlines to help users find the best way to express themselves.
  • Using AI technology to improve writing tone and wording, create perfect images, and enhance the quality of works.
  • Converting existing documents into structured and expressive works, automatically generating images matching the text. Applications:
  • For entrepreneurs and startups: Helping entrepreneurs quickly showcase their ideas and products, attracting investors' and customers' attention.
  • For creators and freelancers: Providing a fast and simple tool for creators and freelancers to present their works in a more appealing way to audiences.
  • For marketing: Used to create beautiful marketing presentations that attract the attention of potential customers.
  • For sales: Helping salespeople present products and services in a more vivid and persuasive manner, improving sales effectiveness.
  • For products: Used to create product presentation slides to showcase product features and advantages to teams and clients.
  • For education: Used to create educational presentation slides to help teachers better convey knowledge and concepts.

4. MindShow


What is "MindShow"?

MindShow is an AI-driven slideshow creation tool that helps users quickly generate slideshows and improve work efficiency. By combining artificial intelligence technology, MindShow can automatically generate slideshow frameworks and provide a rich selection of templates for users to choose from. Users only need to input relevant content, and MindShow will automatically complete the formatting and font design, reducing the tedious work of formatting adjustments.

What are the features of "MindShow"?

  • AI generation: MindShow utilizes AI technology to automatically generate slideshow frameworks based on the user's input content, significantly reducing the time and effort required to create slideshows.
  • Template selection: MindShow offers various slideshow templates for users to choose from, including business, education, technology, and other templates tailored to different scenarios.
  • Customized editing: Users can customize the generated slideshows according to their needs, including adding and adjusting content such as text, images, and charts. Applications: MindShow is suitable for various slideshow creation scenarios, including but not limited to:
  • Work reports: Users can use MindShow to quickly generate slideshow presentations for work reports, reducing repetitive work and improving work efficiency.
  • Product presentations: MindShow can help users create slideshow presentations for product demonstrations, including product introductions and feature showcases.
  • Education and training: Teachers can use MindShow to create slideshow presentations for educational and training purposes, including courseware and teaching summaries.

5. SlidesAI


What is "SlidesAI"?

SlidesAI is an AI-based text-to-presentation tool that extracts key information from any text and automatically generates presentation slides. It helps users save a significant amount of time and effort, making the creation of presentation slides simple and quick.

What are the features of "SlidesAI"?

  • Text-to-presentation: Simply paste the text into SlidesAI, and it will automatically create presentation slides for you without the need for complex operations and design skills.
  • Theme-to-presentation (private beta): Just provide your theme, and SlidesAI will create a presentation slide deck related to your theme. This feature is currently in the testing phase and is only available to a limited number of users.
  • Support for 100+ languages: SlidesAI currently supports all major languages, and the application has been translated into English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, and Russian. Applications:
  • Business presentations: SlidesAI can help business professionals quickly create presentation slides to showcase products, services, or business plans, improving communication efficiency.
  • Academic research: Researchers can use SlidesAI to organize their research findings into presentation slides for easy sharing and presentation.
  • Education and training: Teachers and trainers can use SlidesAI to convert educational content into presentation slides, making learning more engaging and interesting.

6. ChatPPT

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What is "ChatPPT"?

ChatPPT is an AI-generated PPT office product developed by Biyou Technology. It helps workplace office workers create PPT documents more efficiently through AI Chat command-based content generation and creation. It supports over 350+ command sets and can complete the entire PPT generation, design, and layout within 1 minute. ChatPPT offers content, design, and creative three major directions of generation, generating complete PPT documents based on user semantic dialogue and supporting personalized generation and editing requests. Additionally, it supports multiple format file conversion, intelligent layout, cloud diagram generation, chart drawing, table data generation, text setting, graphic setting, presentation animation, template beautification, and video insertion, meeting various needs during PPT creation.

What are the features of "ChatPPT"?

  • AI-generated PPT: Generates complete PPT documents based on user semantic dialogue, supporting personalized generation and editing requests.
  • Multi-format file conversion: Supports conversion of WORD, TXT, X-Mind, MarkDown, clipboard, FreeMind, HTML files, web links, Logseq, and other file formats to PPT.
  • Intelligent layout: Automatically beautifies the layout of PPT to improve document readability and aesthetics.
  • Cloud diagram generation: Generates cloud diagrams based on user input keywords to help users organize ideas and present content better.
  • Chart drawing: Generates various types of charts based on user-provided data to visually present data.
  • Table data generation: Generates data tables based on user-provided data to facilitate data organization and presentation.
  • Text setting: Supports setting font, size, color, and other aspects of text to meet users' personalized text style needs.
  • Graphic setting: Supports setting color, size, shape, and other aspects of graphics to make PPT more vivid and interesting.
  • Presentation animation: Provides various presentation animation effects to make PPT more visually impactful and attractive.
  • Template beautification: Provides a variety of PPT templates for users to choose from according to their needs for beautification.
  • Video insertion: Supports inserting videos into PPT to enrich presentation content and enhance user experience. Applications:
  • Business presentations: Helps business professionals quickly generate professional business presentation documents, improving presentation effectiveness and expression capabilities.
  • Education and training: Provides convenient PPT production tools for educational training institutions and teachers, improving teaching effectiveness and learning experience.
  • Meeting reports: Provides efficient PPT production tools for enterprise meetings, helping employees create exquisite meeting report documents.
  • Academic research: Provides convenient and fast PPT production tools for academic researchers, helping them present research results and ideas.