Marketing Strategies Brands Can Use During Euro Cup In 2024

For marketers who hope to shine, using events such as the 2024 European Championship can change the rules of the game. Marketers from all walks of life can take advantage of the national football craze to increase brand awareness and engagement, as it has swept across the country. However, how can brands fully utilize the 2024 European Championship?

Social Media Marketing for the European Championship

The fact is, almost everyone carries a smartphone. This is a huge opportunity. As fans stare at their screens, learning about interesting things between news, conversations, and games, social media is a great place for marketing to reach out to them. During the 2024 European Championship, investing in social media activities can yield substantial returns. The increase in participation caused by the influx of tourists may be quite significant. Marketers can leverage the creative abilities of content creators to generate competition related content that is both current and passive, rather than relying on typical sponsorship partnerships. Brands can establish genuine relationships and encourage significant engagement by collaborating with artists who already have followers among their target consumers.

During the 2024 European Championship, creativity is crucial. Although ambassadors may be effective, uniform activities may not meet expectations. Nowadays, consumers have more than just product advertising expectations for brands. To meet this demand, marketers should carefully select various sports creators, football idols, and creators from other industries to provide interesting and diverse perspectives. Taking the 2018 FIFA World Cup as an example. It showcases how an event is driven by football legends and regular producers, resulting in huge brand exposure and consumer engagement.

Another way for brands to interact with consumers during the 2024 European Championship is through streaming services. As billions of people watch the event, the demand for highlights and real-time updates is also increasing. Brands can leverage this by utilizing creators to provide bite sized content that attracts a wide audience's interest. Timely updates and insights enable businesses to effortlessly participate in national debates about the game, thereby expanding their influence beyond traditional football fans. By collaborating with major events such as the 2024 European Championship, the company may increase its exposure to new demographic data. Brands can establish emotional connections and generate engagement by aligning with major sports events, as seen in Procter&Gamble's advertising and other successful cases during the 2018 Winter Olympics.

As the 2024 European Championship approaches, marketers can reach football fans through various means, not just TV commercials. Brands should not overlook important female football fans across online, radio, print, and mobile platforms, even if targeting male audiences through television is still effective. According to a 2022 study by Statista, 37% of football fans are women and 63% of football supporters are men. Although football is very popular in Europe, the intensity of dedication varies. Compared with Türkiye, Germany and Italy, the UK shows less emotion. It is worth noting that the majority of fans in the UK are between the ages of 35 and 54, with the majority residing in the northern and southern regions.

Football materials are mainly consumed on television, although online platforms, broadcasting, print media, and mobile devices also play important roles. This multi-channel behavior highlights the need for marketers to diversify their brand strategy by providing multiple participation possibilities. A supplementary analysis confirms that during the 2024 European Championship, the number of television viewers will exceed all other forms of fan participation. Fans are not just watching games on TV; They also talk to each other, read news, and share content related to tournaments on social media. It is worth noting that a large number of female viewers participate in football related activities, indicating that advertisers can target a huge market. Most fans prefer to watch games alone at home, which demonstrates their range of participation in viewing choices. On the other hand, female fans are more likely to appear in social activities, indicating that they prefer to watch games with friends or family. In order to successfully personalize their information transmission and activation, brands must grasp these nuances.

In addition, during the game, the reactions of fans, enthusiasts, and followers vary; Especially fans, they are very involved in everything related to football. It is worth mentioning that as is well known, female fans are very active in supporting their teams and participating in conversations related to games, making them a valuable target audience for the brand. The different online activities that fans participate in when consuming content for the 2024 European Championship suggest brand connections, such as reading reviews and chatting through instant messaging. Brands can leverage this trend by using various strategies to attract target audiences.