⑥ Google Search Tricks For SEO

1- Get the Number of pages indexed


Search query: site:learnwithhasan.com

For an in-depth SEO audit, check the SEO analyzer tool.

2- Find duplicate content

Duplicate content can negatively impact search engine rankings, leading to issues such as diluted authority and confusion for both search engines and users.


Search query: site:mydomain.com intitle:”search term”.

3- Competitor analysis
Let’s hunt for competitors
Search query: “search keyword” -site:mydomain.com
You can also hunt for competitors using our AI Powered Competitors research tool. Try it! 

4- keyword research

In this context, search combinations can help you check the popularity of a certain keyword or see in what context competitors use it.


Search query: intext:”search term”.

Try our AI-powered keyword Research tool for hundreds of suggestions with search metrics and AI analysis.

5- Monitor brand mentions

Brand mentions can help you track your online reputation, engage with your audience, and identify opportunities for enhancing brand visibility.

To locate web pages where your brand name is mentioned both in the title and the URL:

Try this: intitle:”brand name” inurl:”brand name”.

6- Detect content gaps

As an SEO specialist, you should focus on ensuring that your website provides relevant information, meets user needs, and stays competitive in your industry. And one of the ways to achieve success is by detecting and eliminating content gaps.

To compare your website with a competitor for containing a specific keyword, input the following combination:

site:competitor1.com OR site:competitor2.com “search term”.