Step by Step with ChatGPT: Mastering an Industry in Four Simple Steps

When you want to explore investment opportunities in a new industry, when you are considering a career change, when you need to provide training or consulting services to companies in unfamiliar industries... You often need to quickly grasp an industry and establish basic concepts.

Typically, using traditional methods, you would spend a lot of time reading introductory books, researching industry products, and understanding leading companies. This process may take one or two weeks, which is very time-consuming.

However, now with tools like ChatGPT, you only need to go through four simple steps to start understanding an industry from scratch. The whole process may only take a few hours, significantly shortening the learning curve.

So how do you do it? Today's guide will teach you how to use ChatGPT to quickly understand an industry.

Let's take the advertising industry as an example to demonstrate how to operate ChatGPT.

Step 1: Collect 50 keywords related to the target industry.

For beginners, understanding more than 50 keywords in an industry can provide a rough understanding of that industry. So, we ask ChatGPT to list the 50 most important keywords in the advertising industry. Here's the example:

Using ChatGPT to understand an industry in four steps © provided by BIGSPY

These keywords cover various aspects of the advertising industry and can provide a comprehensive overview for beginners.

Step 2: have ChatGPT provide brief explanations for each keyword.

Some keywords may be self-explanatory at first glance, while others may be unclear. Therefore, the second step is to have ChatGPT explain each listed keyword one by one.You can try like this:

Using ChatGPT to understand an industry in four steps © provided by BIGSPY

As shown in the diagram, with the overview descriptions, the keywords become slightly clearer.

Step 3: have ChatGPT prioritize the learning.

There are quite a lot of 50 keywords, making it difficult to quickly grasp them all in a short time. Therefore, I ask ChatGPT to sort them for us, facilitating our learning arrangement. Here are the specifics.

Using ChatGPT to understand an industry in four steps © provided by BIGSPY

As shown in the diagram, ChatGPT has sorted some keywords into three levels: high, medium, and low.

Step 4: have ChatGPT provide detailed explanations for each keyword.

With the learning priorities, we can now ask ChatGPT to explain each keyword in detail, from high to low priority. Here are two examples.

Using ChatGPT to understand an industry in four steps © provided by BIGSPY
Using ChatGPT to understand an industry in four steps © provided by BIGSPY

In practice, when studying, due to the large number of keywords, this step needs to be repeated, which may take some time.

So, this is the specific method of using ChatGPT to quickly understand an industry. I hope it's helpful to you.

ChatGPT is a highly efficient tool. However, if you want to go further and delve into the competitive dynamics and trends within the industry, or if you're looking to enter the industry and want a deeper understanding of its competitive landscape and trends, you can continue searching for information and using other tools.

An advertising spy tool is a software or online service used to monitor, analyze, and collect data on competitors' activities in the advertising field. These tools enable users to search and track competitors' advertising activities, including the content, ad copy, target audience, and timing and placement of ads across different platforms.

Through advertising spy tools, users can gain valuable insights into market trends, competitor strategies, and industry dynamics, which can guide their own marketing activities and strategy development. These tools typically provide visualized reports and analysis to help users better understand the market landscape and make more informed decisions.