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What Do You Get With BigSpy?

Check creatives inspirations from the daily updating database and access detailed analysis of ads on different social media networks.

Track your competitors and spy on their ads performances and find out the demographics of targeting audiences.

Millions of ads ideas for your perfect ad texts and keep noticed with the changing rank of top advertisers.

Self-track advertising performances and always keep creative and trendy in advertising.

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What Is BigSpy?

BigSpy is #1-ADS SPY TOOL with the largest intelligence database of ad creatives.

BigSpy has integrated with various social media networks, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Yahoo, Pinterest, and AdMob

BigSpy provides access to millions of ad creatives for inspirations and detailed ad analyses for marketing campaigns.

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Queries: Unlimited Daily
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Track Ads: 250 daily
Download: 250 daily
Unlimited Featured Ads
Unlimited People Tracked Ads
Landing Analysis (Beta)
Demographic Analysis (Beta)
Online Support


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All Publishers & Networks
Queries: Unlimited Daily
Unlimited Search Features
Tracked Ads: 999 daily
Download: 999 daily
Unlimited Featured Ads
Unlimited People Tracked Ads
Landing Analysis (Beta)
Demographics Analysis (Beta)
Online Support
Ad Ideas Analysis
Advertiser Charts
Unlimited Data Usage
Special Team Support


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$99&$399 PLAN ONLY.

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